Wednesday, October 22, 2008

getting our dossiers ready for overnight shipping

So here we go again..... At this point we feel like professional paper gatherers. We are total pro's at pulling together a massive dossier and can do so in record time. After a long summer of hoping and crossing our fingers for Vietnam and USA to find a resolution and renew the M O U agreement, it became clear to us around August that not only was this not going to happen, but that we would not receive a referral in time for the expiration. With not too many great adoption options for us (several year wait, too old for some, most have closed, etc etc) we needed to dig deep. Honestly how we even stumbled on our new program is still amazing to me. We researched this program and made some quick decisions.

Vietnam came to a close and we were obviously beyond sad. The emotions, time, and money spent was almost overwhelming to even think about at times. We didn't want to stay bummed too long since that wouldn't get us any where. More motivated than ever, we signed on to the Mars*hall Islan ds program and began yet another dossier. This could happen in 6 months or even less we are being told. But let's face it, we've been here before. So, we move forward with positive attitudes. But at the same time realists. Onward.....