Saturday, August 8, 2009

a little video

I have so many posts "in my head" and need to get them on here soon. I want everyone to read about what we've been doing and most importantly I want to remember everything for Esme' as she gets older.

I need to capture things like... our last day in RMI at the airport and the juxtaposition of funny & sad, how I couldn't have made it that day without my friends Michelle & Evan...those first days at home and all the people we've spent time one of my BFFs, Laurie, flew in from St. Louis after me being home just 3 days because she couldn't stand not being here to meet Ezzy...all of our road trips we've taken this summer (a few days at my parents, Beth's lake home on ten mile, Matt's side family reunion, trip to Madison)....and generally just how much fun we've had this summer and the people that have gone out of their way to see & spend time with Esme'. Matt & I both have really incredible families and some pretty amazing friends. I sometimes can't believe my good fortune.

Until I actually take the time to write all of that, I'm sharing a project that I've been working on. I'm a total novice at video making so excuse the odd jumps, certain photos quality, etc. I have two more that I am planning to do but this one focuses on our trip to RMI, coming home and those first days back.

Even though we're not posting as much as we'd planned, we are still reading the comments and love to see them to know people are still checking in.

Make sure your volume is up, certain parts may be difficult to hear...
