Friday, May 31, 2013

a graduation with a little reef fish on the side

We went to a family kindergarten graduation.  It started 57 minutes late, for those of you who don't know... That's referred to as "island time" ; )  super cute kids watched by a super sweaty audience. The elementary school was a single hallway with rooms on each side.  I'm not sure where they all would fit?

I did a little snorkeling at Eneko, The coral reefs are pretty close to shore at low tide.  They are also hard and sharp as my feet and lower legs can attest.

Lucia has been sleeping well in restaurants as of late. I had the reef fish (red snapper) special for lunch yesterday.  Esme kept touching the fishes eye and wanted to eat my fish as soon as it appeared.

We've also had a beautiful full moon the last few days, the photo doesn't do it justice.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

clams, boats and some walking around

We toured a clam farm yesterday, they also grow some native coral (it's everywhere) in the tanks. Pretty amazing creatures.  Today we went back out to Eneko Island.  One of our favorite activities here! 

A couple of days ago we went to WAM where they make RMI outrigger canoes. They build small models all the way up to full size canoes.  They help employ/train young adults in a 6 month program. There are not a lot of good economic opportunities in Majuro or anywhere in RMI.

We've also done a lot of walking around and shopping in dark, hot and poorly ventilated general stores.  You can get everything from nearly expired food to wildly outdated and very expensive electronics.  I saw an older Norelco electric razor in a yellowed package for only $289.00 USD.  We have discovered pre-made canned coffee (usually from somewhere in South East Asia)…not too bad, who needs Starbucks!

I'm able to sneak away for a bit every now and then and photograph life around the island.  - matt

Sunday, May 26, 2013

a little family time

We spent Saturday afternoon with Esme's birth mother and family.  The kids had a lot of fun playing, even though they didn't speak each others language.  Fun is universal and needs little translation.  We had KLG (KFC) chicken at the shore and when it starter to rain a little, we went to our bungalow to give them gifts we had brought with us. They were very grateful to spend the afternoon with us and get to know Esme.

On sunday we went to the end of the island (Rita) at low tide and walked to a nearby island and back.  A few hours later we returned at high tide and shot some more photos.  See below.

We also gave Lucia's birth mother a ride home to Rita and met more of her extended family. The conditions were worse than I expected, and I hadn't expected much.  Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and in-laws just kept coming out of the little sea side shanty.  Everyone was so excited happy to see us and Lucia again!  After spending some time more people came out and gave us handicraft gifts (flowers and necklaces) they seem like a loving tight knit group of good people.  Our hearts ached as we drive away, it's not going to be easy saying goodbye.  - matt

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

coconuts and chickens

We went back to Laura beach with snorkel gear and a borrowed metal detector.  After a couple hours of searching for my wedding ring, we headed back empty handed, literally. I guess a part of us will always be in the Marshall Islands ; )

Tuesday night we all went to pasta night at the other hotel.  Just like we did four years ago - but this time we were missing our past travel mates! You create your own and they sauté it for you.  Kate and Tracy ordered glasses of wine, the wine list was short (white or red?) but you can't beat the pour! 

This morning Esme watched from our bungalow deck as they trimmed the coconut trees at our hotel, large palms and a lot of coconuts came crashing to the ground.  The guys opened a few for us and we drank it up and scooped out the meat. They would just climb them the traditional way with hands and bare feet, probably 2 or 3 stories up!

We then took a boat to Eneko (an island 25 minutes away) and spent the afternoon playing in the water, chasing chickens, drinking more coconuts, and relaxing under the palms.   All is good

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What we've been up to

We've spent some time with each of the girls respective birth mothers.  We go for walks about the island and have gotten to know the other two families.  One family is at our hotel while the other is a few miles away at MIR.  Today, we went with one of the families to the end of the island (laura beach) which is about an hour drive.  It was fun, but you can add my wedding ring to the "things we lost on our trip" list.  I'm going back tomorrow for the the one-in-a-million chance I will find it.  Gotta try right?  So other than losing the symbol of our love… all is good  - matt  : )