Sunday, May 26, 2013

a little family time

We spent Saturday afternoon with Esme's birth mother and family.  The kids had a lot of fun playing, even though they didn't speak each others language.  Fun is universal and needs little translation.  We had KLG (KFC) chicken at the shore and when it starter to rain a little, we went to our bungalow to give them gifts we had brought with us. They were very grateful to spend the afternoon with us and get to know Esme.

On sunday we went to the end of the island (Rita) at low tide and walked to a nearby island and back.  A few hours later we returned at high tide and shot some more photos.  See below.

We also gave Lucia's birth mother a ride home to Rita and met more of her extended family. The conditions were worse than I expected, and I hadn't expected much.  Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and in-laws just kept coming out of the little sea side shanty.  Everyone was so excited happy to see us and Lucia again!  After spending some time more people came out and gave us handicraft gifts (flowers and necklaces) they seem like a loving tight knit group of good people.  Our hearts ached as we drive away, it's not going to be easy saying goodbye.  - matt


Anonymous said...

amazing to follow along on this journey with you. the pictures say so much. thinking of you all everyday---xxoo, Laurie

Beth Kellogg said...

I finally got my computer back so happy I can post here!

This is literally the sweetest thing ever! The shared love of baby Lucia is such a beautiful thing... the circle of life and love is so wonderful to see here.I am so grateful to be able to be a part of her life when she gets to Minnesota. What a blessing she is to all of us!

I miss you all so much. Tell Esme that Auntie Bizzy and Haley have a fun day planned for just her when she gets back!

I love you all the WHOLE WORLD and can't wait to hug you all up (you too Matty) when you get home!

Auntie Bizzy

sheryl + david said...

What a sweet, memorable and emotional day you had with your RMI families. The picture of the children in a circle holding hands speaks volumes.
Thanks for sharing.

Anne Thielen said...

We miss you guys! So awesome to see the pics and read the stories of your adventure. It seems like an amazing way to add a new life to your family. Lucia looks to be settling into the Howd clan pretty well.

Keep the updates going. Hanging on every word!

The Thielen's

Beth Kellogg said...

Oh my goodness... I saw the picture later of Esme's birth family after my last post. I too love the circle of the kids holding hands. That needs to be enlarged for her room when you get home! :)
I love and miss you bunches!!!