Monday, January 11, 2010

a long over do update...

where to begin?  esme is in the 50 percentile for height and weight.  as proud parents we report she is advanced in just about everything ; )  she is crawling everywhere and able to walk around furniture.  she has been pulling herself up for a months.   she is getting her teeth quickly now, she has 5!  she also had her first scrape.  she lep from the teachers lap (on the floor) and did a face plant.  the reult was a nose covering rug burn : (  she is learning baby sign language, mostly food related signs i.e. more, all done, please.  and if she can't remember, she'll wildly slap the spoon away.  she loves lil' rice puffs, yogurt bites and soft mushy foods.  after realizing you can write with a wet teething biscuit, she proceeded to draw all over my black coat. she eagerly says "hi" to everyone and likes to wave goodbye and clap.  she can play peek-a-boo by raising and lowering a blanket by herself.  sooooo freakin' cute, it hurts.  - matt

our new years resolution

to everyone who follows our blog...we resolve to post new photos and information more often  : )  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!