Monday, April 20, 2009

gordon and the coconut

It's crazy how much juice each one has inside. It's also incredibly refreshing when it's hot, which is pretty much always.


Anonymous said...

Love the chicken going by in the movie.

Alain Truong said...

I'm DYING of envy (and thirst) just looking at the juicy coconut. I can drink 10 of those in one sitting. add a pinch of salt...and voila. YUM

stollmyheart said...

Ok, so the coconut thing was awesome...but what was even cooler was the constant lull of the ocean! So wish we were there with you :)

The Loux Family said...

Hi Matt and Kate,

I'm so glad that you all are doing well! Hey your lawyer looks like someone we know. Ask Gordon if he knows Derek and Renee' Loux (Florence Sasser's daugther). Your little Esme is beautiful! How much longer do you have on island? I'll email you with my sister-in-laws email address so you can have someone to chat with while Matt's gone Katie.